
Q&A with Caroline Petersen, Nordic Key Account Manager, Swedencare Nordic

Swedencare specialises in pet healthcare and produces, markets, and sells premium products in the global and fast-growing market for companion animals.

Swedencare has a wide range of strong brands and products within most therapy areas, including NaturVet, Nutravet, Pet MD, Stratford, RX Vitamins, as well as the leading oral care brand ProDen PlaqueOff.

Nordic Key Account Manager, Caroline Peterson previously worked as a Veterinary Care Assistant and here answers our questions about dental care for pets…

Dental care is always seen as a key aspect of pet health, but why is it important to look after your pet’s teeth?

Good oral health is just as important for animals as it is for humans. Due to many dogs already developing some form of dental disease by the time they are 3-years old; it can be difficult to prevent oral health problems. Dental diseases, especially when severe, can be painful, and animals are very good at hiding any pain or suffering. These are conclusions we draw when we investigate and discover diseases and injuries that have obviously been going on for a long time and that have most certainly caused pain and some form of suffering for the animal. Keeping your animal’s teeth and gums healthy will help prevent oral pain and help your pet to lead a happy and healthy life.

What is the biggest factor that contributes to dental problems in pets?

Just as with other body parts, the mouth and teeth are of course affected by age and general wear and tear. Other aspects that can affect your pet’s oral health include, anatomy, the immune system, incorrect challenge, lack of teeth brushing, breed/heredity and injury, these are all factors that affect dental health in different ways.

How soon should pet owners start their pet’s oral health routine?

As soon as possible. The earlier you start, the better. Getting them used to a dental routine at a young age can help to keep their teeth and gums healthy throughout their life.

What tips would you give to pet owners who are starting their pet’s oral health routine?

The most important thing is that you as an animal owner are calm and positive. A good first step can be to approach the mouth and teeth with clean hands. Lift the lips a little, gently open the mouth and simply get the dog or cat used to the touch. When introducing the toothbrush, you can leave the mouth closed and only brush the outside of the teeth. If you get a safe routine for that, it’s time for the next step, which requires an open mouth so that you can also access the inside of the teeth. Good oral and dental health has a major impact on your animal’s quality of life and general condition. Brush your animals’ teeth daily. If this is not possible, smell and look at your dog’s mouth at least once a week and give them a VOHC approved supplement.

How can pet owners tackle bad breath?

When your dog or cat has a healthy mouth and teeth, bad breath won’t be a problem. Regular teeth brushing should be supplemented with a dietary supplement that prevents plaque formation. Always choose a VOHC labelled supplement. VOHC is an independent international organisation whose seal means that the product has a scientifically proven preventive effect. The label acts as an independent seal of quality.

For more information on Swedencare and their portfolio of products visit https://uk.swedencare.com/




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