
Mayhew’s Pick & Snip scheme designed to help vulnerable pet owners

London-based animal charity, Mayhew has launched a new innovative programme to provide vulnerable pet owners with preventative veterinary care.

The charity understands the links between social issues and animal welfare, and work hard to improve life for pets and their owners through a series of pro-active community initiatives and preventative veterinary care.

Mayhew’s Pick & Snip programme aims to make it as easy as possible for those in a vulnerable situation to access our services and is designed to provide free neutering to those most in need.

Through the scheme, Mayhew’s animal welfare officers will collect your pet from your home and take them to their clinic for treatment. The team will explain the benefits of neutering and answer any questions about the procedure and organise the necessary after-care. They will also return your pet to you.

The Pick & Snip scheme is available for dogs and cats within the centre’s designated catchment area.

Neutering pets is a simple, quick and low-risk procedure, which Mayhew believes if one of the most responsible actions an owner can take for their pet.

The benefits include:

  • Neutered pets are less likely to exhibit unwanted behaviours such as spraying, roaming and fighting.
  • Neutering reduces the risk of your pet developing certain cancers and other diseases.
  • Without reproductive control, stray and feral cat populations will rapidly expand.

A spokesperson for Mayhew said: “Unneutered female cats are able to reproduce from just five months old and can have up to three litters per year. This could understandably cause problems for owners who are not able to look after a large and ever-growing number of pets – and could sadly lead to cases of animals being abandoned, neglected or traded irresponsibly.

“By preventing unwanted pregnancies and other behavioural, health and welfare issues, we hope to see fewer animals abandoned or brought into our shelter, and more pets stay together with loving owners.”

The Mayhew team rescued a cat who was found abandoned in a commercial garage and had recently given birth – but her kittens were nowhere to be seen when the animal welfare officers turned up.

River was friendly and curious when the team arrived on the scene, leading them to believe she was a domesticated cat. They also found early signs of mastitis, a bacterial infection that effects milk production and is prone to developing in dirty environments.

A spokesperson added: “Because River was found without her kittens, we sadly have no way of knowing if they survived – or were abandoned elsewhere, or even sold on for profit. Many other cats unfortunately suffer identical situations and we believe widespread neutering would prevent unwanted mums and kittens alike meeting similar fates.”

River has now been neutered by the Mayhew team and is in good health. She is being well looked after whilst she waits for her forever home.

To find out about the benefits of neutering and to see if you are eligible for Mayhew’s Pick & Snip scheme you can visit www.mayhew.org.uk or call and speak to one of the Animal Welfare team on 0208 962 8000.













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