
Frosty and Blizzard are looking to melt hearts and find their forever home

As the UK enjoys a scattering of snow, two snowy white bunnies Frosty and Blizzard are waiting to find their forever home.

Frosty and Blizzard were rescued in Lancashire and came into the care of the RSPCA Leeds, Wakefield and District branch at the end of August.

The two Polish rabbits are inseparable and do absolutely everything together. They will need to be rehomed together and they will need plenty of space so that they can run around and explore outside.

Megan Rattray, Animal Care Manager at the RSPCA Leeds branch, said: “Frosty and Blizzard are so alike it can be difficult to tell them apart sometimes! Frosty is the one-year-old handsome looking chap with bright red eyes and upright ears and Blizzard is the two-year-old bigger bunny with long floppy ears.

“They are friendly and sweet rabbits who really deserve their second chance at happiness but sadly they have been overlooked time and again and we’re not sure why. As the UK braces itself for a cold snap this weekend we hope our very own snowy rabbits Frosty and Blizzard will melt someone’s heart and find their forever home.”

If you think you can give Frosty and Blizzard a loving home contact the RSPCA Leeds, Wakefield and District branch on [email protected] or 01132 536952.

Cold weather advice for small furries

Keep a close eye on outdoor pets like rabbits and guinea pigs; if the temperature starts to drop below freezing, you may wish to move your bunny inside. We recommend guinea pigs are housed indoors when temperatures are below 15OC. If you do bring your pets indoors, they still need plenty of time and room to exercise safely. If you have to leave them outside, provide them with lots of extra bedding and make sure their home is protected from adverse weather with insulating but ventilating covers. Hutches should be in a sheltered position, with a sloped roof and should be raised off the ground at least 4ins.


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