


New year, new start for dog ‘no one wanted’ who finds...

A dog who was in RSPCA care for almost two years finally found his home - just in time for Christmas, and has started the New Year with his new family. Lurcher Walter came into the care of the RSPCA’s Danaher Animal Home, in Essex, in November 2022 when he was just a...
Companion Life

Leading UK vet calls for outright ban on owning a dog...

Following BBC Panoroma’s expose into extreme dog breeding (aired Monday 23 January 2023), one of the UK’s leading vets has called for new legislation in the UK which would make it illegal to own a dog with cropped ears. Ear cropping in UK dogs was exposed by BBC’s Panorama as a growing problem particularly...
Companion Life

US Marine Corps dog Bass awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal 

A retired US Marine Corps dog has today (24 January 2023) become the 75th recipient of the PDSA Dickin Medal - the animals equivalent of the Victoria Cross. The highest honour available to animals, Multi-Purpose Canine (MPC) Bass was presented with the award for his bravery and life-saving devotion to duty...
Companion Life

Hop into the year of the rabbit by giving an unwanted...

The RSPCA is urging people to consider adopting rabbits as we mark the start of the Chinese New Year, designated the Year of the Rabbit. The Lunar New Year, China’s most important festival, started on Sunday (January 22), with 2023 heralded as a year of prosperity and hope. And staff at...
Companion Life

RSPCA issues warning after cat recovers from injuries after gin trap...

The RSPCA says people still using gin traps as a method of rodent control need to be aware they could face prosecution after a cat was caught in one of the deadly, and illegal, devices. Simba suffered two broken toes when the jaws of a gin trap snapped down onto...
Companion Life

Expert reveals top considerations for how to feed your dog

Dog nutritionist shares his top five considerations for how to feed your dog. The old saying “you are what you eat” is just as true for dogs as it is for humans. Diet is one of the biggest contributing factors to health and happiness, and like humans, a diet high in sugar,...
Companion Life

Four-hour rescue mission sees kitten brought to safety from derelict property...

An eight-month-old kitten's curiosity landed him in trouble after he spent three days stranded on the roof of a derelict house in Barrow-in-Furness. Kenai was spotted wandering along the rooftops and meowing for help after he climbed into the empty terraced property in Penrith Place on 8 January via a...
Companion Life

A nation of pet-loving feeders as over a third of UK...

Brits have become a nation of overweight pet owners, with more than one in three pet owners (36%) admitting their dog is overweight, according to a new study.  Research by Burns Pet Nutrition found that 28 per cent of owners admit to feeding their pooch leftovers such as bacon, chicken, chips and...
Companion Life

Dogs Trust’s guide to keeping dogs safe and warm in the...

With plummeting temperatures due to return this week, it is important to make sure our four-legged friends are prepared for the cold. After a fairly mild Christmas for most across the UK, temperatures are set to drop below 0°C over the next few days. Dogs Trust is issuing guidance to...
Companion Life

Maureen is surro-cat mum to 200 moggies to help RSPCA

A self-confessed cat crazy lady has transformed her house to help care for more than 200 moggies for the RSPCA to prepare them for finding their loving forever homes. Maureen Austin (78), from Woking, Surrey, is one of the charity’s most prolific fosters and has also spent years volunteering at...
Companion Life

Owner and her cavapoo puppy suffer serious injuries after attack

A puppy has survived a horror attack that left him with the worst injuries a leading vet has seen in 20 years. Eight-month-old Rupert was seriously injured in the incident that also left owner Linda Kelley, from Dursley, Gloucestershire, with severe cuts. It looked like the little cavapoo would have to...
Companion Life


Shine a red light on wellness all year round

Harnessing the power of light energy to promote wellness may not be new, but it’s experiencing a resurgence, not only in practice, but as...

PDSA – Why pets eat the strangest things

From socks and slippers to necklaces and knickers – our pets sometimes eat the strangest of things! But why do they do this? What...

Top tips for pet owners during summer

During summer months we love nothing more than spending our time outdoors with pets. With warmer weather and longer days, it’s the best time to...

Vet shares symptoms of condition dogs can pass to humans

With approximately 13.5 million dogs as pets in the UK, many pet owners may not know of some conditions that their dog can pass to them...

Expert tips on how to reduce hay fever symptoms in dogs as pollen levels soar

Hayfever season is in full swing and according to the Met Office, the pollen forecast over the next five days is high. Dog owners may...
Companion Life

It’s Blue Monday for cats as abandonments hit a three-year high

As the UK braces itself for the most depressing day of the year, Cats Protection has reported that abandonments are up 71% compared to 2021.  The charity took in 1,825 abandoned cats in 2024, a figure which has been rising steadily since 2021 when it was 1,068. This is depressing news...