
Can pets get Seasonal Affective Disorder?

We all know that people can get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) – sometimes known as ‘winter depression’ – at this time of year and it might seem like our pets feel down too, but how much do the seasons really affect our pets?

PDSA Vet Nurse, Nina Downing, explains: “Pets don’t suffer with SAD in the same way humans do, but that’s not to say they don’t feel different at this time of year. Pets are still affected by the changing seasons of autumn and winter, especially as days get shorter and the weather turns cooler, which can alter their usual routine.

“Some pets feel the changes more than others, and they can all respond in different ways.

Seasonal changes in pets

Eating more

You might notice your pet appears hungrier over cooler months. There are lots of reasons why this could be happening. One theory is that even though our cats and dogs have been domesticated in our lovely warm homes for years, the instinct to build up fat stores so they have the energy to stay warm over the winter still remains. It could also be that if we’re spending more time with them in winter, we’re around to see them eating so it seems like they’re more hungry, even though they won’t need extra rations! Keep an eye on them and if you notice that they’re hungry all the time or are gaining or losing weight, contact your vet in case there could be an underlying health problem.

Sleeping more

You might notice your pet is napping a little longer, especially as evenings and mornings get darker. Again, there’s a good chance this could be similar to how shorter days affect us humans – less daylight hours in winter can affect hormones that control how much sleep we need, meaning your pet may feel they want to sleep more.

Stiff joints

As the temperature drops, pets who suffer from arthritis or stiff joints might find moving a little harder and start to slow down, discuss with your vet if you’re worried or think they’re getting worse.  Try to keep them warm, comfortable and make sure that beds are away from doorways and lifted off the ground, out of draughts. Your vet may be able to prescribe medication to support sore joints; aiding mobility through anti inflammatory pain relief, and they may also recommend joint supplements too.

More shedding

You might find your pet sheds more during the autumn months due to the process of moulting as their thicker winter coat comes through, so you might find more hair around the home. Keep on top of the moulting by brushing them, you may find even more loose hair to remove after they’ve  warmed up in a centrally heated room,  . If you’re noticing bald patches or itchy skin, this could be a sign of a skin problem so contact your vet for help.

Nina continues: “As the weather gets worse around this time of year, we might not be as keen to get out for walks, but you should challenge yourself to go out as you’ll feel so much better in yourself when you get home and so will your pet. 

“Use every chance you get to go for walks in the daylight, as this will help you and your pet to stay feeling positive and get through the winter months. Most dogs will still be excited to go out for their normal walks come rain or shine, but even if they don’t seem as keen in the colder months it’s still important to encourage them to get daily time outdoors.”


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