
A round of appaws for The Bellflower, Britain’s most dog-friendly pub

The Bellflower in Garstang, Lancashire is Britain’s most dog-friendly pub. That’s according to Rover.com, the world’s largest online marketplace for loving pet care, a sponsor of this year’s Great British Pub Awards.

The Bellflower has worked hard to create an environment that is a home away from home for every canine companion. With unlimited access to premium dog treats, a wide selection of bowls and blankets and water dispensed from ale and lager barrels, it’s a fun destination for dogs and owners alike. The abundance of toys also scored points with the judges, but it was the sale of balls to raise money for a local animal charity that firmly secured its place as the winner.

Sponsored by Rover, the Best Pub for Dogs category of the Great British Pub Awards celebrates pubs that go above and beyond in creating a welcoming and homely space for four-legged friends. In fact, new research from Rover reveals that almost a third (32 per cent) of pet parents say they wouldn’t visit a pub if it wasn’t dog friendly.

With pubs a pinnacle part of our social culture, Rover also found that over half of people (56 per cent) say they’re twice as likely to talk to someone they don’t know if they’re with a dog than without. Additionally, almost four in ten (37 per cent) said they would only start a conversation with a stranger if they had a dog.

Ed Bedington, Head Judge of The Great British Pub Awards comments: “The Bellflower takes its commitment to being a dog-friendly venue seriously in ensuring all members of the public – human or dog –  feel fully welcomed as soon as they step inside. It’s the care that is shown behind the scenes; undertaking regular risk assessments and carrying out special staff training to attend to all dogs’ needs, that really stood out to judges.”

Kate Jaffe, Rover Trends Expert says: “We are delighted that The Bellflower has been recognised for making their establishment as dog-friendly as possible. We hope that this will pave the way for many more dog-friendly pubs and venues across the country, so that every dog (and pet parent!) gets the chance to experience a stress-free visit to their local pub.”

For pet parents taking their dogs to the pub for the first time, Adem Fehmi, Rover’s Canine Behaviourist and judge for The Great British Pub Awards advises on how to help socialise your dog in a new environment:

Start at home

 Set up a table, chairs, drinks, at home or in the garden. Keep your dog on the lead and offer them a long-lasting chew or food dispensing toy to encourage them to settle. Keep your training sessions short, sweet and positive and build on this over time. This will alleviate some of the unfamiliarity of the pub environment when they get there.


Before entering the pub, allow time for your dog to observe and take in their environment at a distance, rewarding their accepting and calm behaviour at each step with a tasty treat or favourite toy and praise. Work at your dog’s pace and take your time to help them feel confident and secure in these types of locations.

Essentials to carry with you

Along with a lead, poo bags and toys, you might want to take a portable bed, settle pad or mat with you to the pub: in order to be able to relax, in fact, your dog needs to be comfortable. Adem recommends introducing them at home first, so that your dog is accustomed to relaxing on it: you will make it a familiar place to reside and create positive associations.

What to do if your dog is barking indoors

If your dog does not typically bark for attention or with excitement and starts to bark, it is most likely they are not feeling comfortable in the situation. You can try to create space and a calmer environment by moving into a quieter and more secluded spot, away from whatever is worrying them. Praise your dog when quiet with your voice and a tasty treat.


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